Mom and Baby Yoga in Orillia

Mom and Baby Yoga (Jan 9 to Mar 6 Session)

January 9, 2018 @ 10:45 am – 11:45 am
Kind Living
178 Jarvis St
Orillia, ON L3V 2A7
$80.00 (8 week session)
Rebecca Bolden

This class is for Moms and Babies of six weeks to crawling. Begin to get to know, heal and rebuild your post pregnancy body by bringing your Baby onto the mat with you. You will do postures with Baby in your arms, on your belly, having some tummy time themselves, sleeping peacefully beside you or resting on your thighs or knees. As you open up the chest and heart, and stretch out those shoulders (maybe sore from leaning over change tables, breastfeeding, spending hours just gazing into Baby’s peaceful sleeping face) you are able to spend time connecting with Babe while reconnecting with your body. Babies often find coming back to the place you perhaps practised prenatal yoga, calming as they recognize the voice of the teacher and the relaxing affects it had on you, the Mother. They may actually remember that feeling of calm that came over you and consequently them in the womb. It is a wonderful way to meet other Mothers and Babies all going through the same things. This alone is nurturing to you and Babe in the first months of being a Mother.

You will need a mat for yourself and a blanket for your Baby. Bringing a few soft toys for your Baby to play with depending on their age is welcome. You may even get lucky and have the teacher steal your Babe away for a full sun salutation!